Igwe ọkụ reagent

Udi ngwaahịa: karama reagent plastik



Ọrụ: Nchekwa nke lekwasịrị anya reagents&Sample ngwọta

Nzube: Ichekwa Sample Compound na Chemical Reagents na Biology, Industry Chemical, Food, Medicine, Clinical Diagnosis Industry and Scientific Research Laboratory

Agba: doro anya, ọcha, agba, aja aja


Nkwakọ ngwaahịa: 8ml, 150ea / akpa; 15ml, 120ea / akpa; 30ml, 100ea / akpa; 60ml, 100ea / akpa; 125ml, 50ea / akpa; 250ml, 25ea / akpa; 500ml, 12ea / akpa, 500ea0ml

Ihe nkwakọ ngwaahịa: Aluminom foil bag&self-sealing bag(nhọrọ)

Igbe: Igbe Akara Anọpụiche ma ọ bụ BM Life Science Box(nhọrọ)

LOGO na-ebi akwụkwọ: OK

Ụdị ọkọnọ: OEM/ODM

Nkọwa ngwaahịa

Mkpado ngwaahịa


Usoro ngwaahịa

Udi ngwaahịa: karama reagent plastik



Ọrụ: Nchekwa nke lekwasịrị anya reagents&Sample ngwọta

Nzube: Ichekwa Sample Compound na Chemical Reagents na Biology, Industry Chemical, Food, Medicine, Clinical Diagnosis Industry and Scientific Research Laboratory

Agba: doro anya, ọcha, agba, aja aja


Nkwakọ ngwaahịa: 8ml, 150ea / akpa; 15ml, 120ea / akpa; 30ml, 100ea / akpa; 60ml, 100ea / akpa; 125ml, 50ea / akpa; 250ml, 25ea / akpa; 500ml, 12ea / akpa, 500ea0ml

Ihe nkwakọ ngwaahịa: Aluminom foil bag&self-sealing bag(nhọrọ)

Igbe: Igbe Akara Anọpụiche ma ọ bụ BM Life Science Box(nhọrọ)

LOGO na-ebi akwụkwọ: OK

Ụdị ọkọnọ: OEM/ODM


Description nke ngwaahịa

BM ndụ sayensị reagent karama,iji ọgwụ-ọkwa polypropylene injection ịkpụzi, na mgbe a ọnụ ọgụgụ nke ndị ọkà mmụta sayensị nnyocha ụlọ ọrụ enyocha, àgwà bụ ntụkwasị obi; 100,000 mmepụta ụlọ ọrụ dị ọcha, usoro mmepụta ahaziri ahazi, njikwa ERP zuru ezu, àgwà ngwaahịa nwere ike ịchọta azụ azụ; A na-ahazi ngwaahịa ụlọ ọrụ maka ndị ahịa, ka ndị ahịa wee nwee ọmarịcha ọrụ otu nkwụsị.


Sayensị ndụ nke BM agbadoro aka na mmepe nke ngwọta ọhụrụ maka nhazi sample ndu ndu. Nye ihe ngwọta ọhụrụ na ọrụ nkwụsịtụ maka nhazi nlele anya na sayensị ndụ na ngalaba biomedical, gụnyere ngwa na-akwado, reagents na ihe oriri.

sayensị ndụ BM na-enye nkọwa dị iche iche nke hydrophilic ma ọ bụ hydrophobic frits / ihe nzacha / membranes na ogidi na-akwado & efere, gụnyere ọtụtụ ihe nzacha SPE dị ọcha, ihe nzacha arụ ọrụ, ihe nzacha n'ọnụ, ihe nzacha mechiri emechi nke mmiri, ihe nzacha sirinji, vial sample na ngwaọrụ nkwado metụtara ya. .


Njirimara ngwaahịa

Ịdabere na uru pụrụ iche nke ụlọ ọrụ na-akpụzi injection dijitalụ dị na Pearl River Delta, ntinye akụrụngwa na iji ya rụọ ọrụ nke ọma, na-eme ka ikike mmepụta ihe na-emepụta ọgwụ okpukpu abụọ, na-ebelata ọnụ ahịa injection nke ịmepụta ihe na-emeghe, na imeziwanye àgwà ngwaahịa;

Ịkpụzi injection polypropylene ọkwa ahụike, akụrụngwa dị ọcha, mmepụta na nkwakọ ngwaahịa agaghị ewebata mmetọ exogenous, enweghị nnyonye anya ndabere;

Ngwaahịa zuru oke, 8/15/30/60/125/250/500/1000 ml karama ọnụ reagent obosara;

Nhazi eri pụrụ iche iji hụ na njigide na-adịgide adịgide;

Super dị ọcha: Mkpụzi ịgba ọgwụ mgbochi ọrịa polypropylene ebubata, akụrụngwa dị ọcha, na-enweghị mmetọ na-apụ apụ;

Super Clean: 100,000 mmepụta ogbako dị ọcha, usoro mmepụta anaghị ewebata ihe ndị na-asọ oyi;

Ogo ngwaahịa a pụrụ ịdabere na ya, ogbe kwụsiri ike, obere ọdịiche dị n'etiti batches;

★ Sterile enweghị enzyme na ọ dịghị okpomọkụ isi iyi: dị ka ndị ahịa si dị iche iche mkpa, ọ nwere ike inye aseptic enweghị enzyme na-enweghị okpomọkụ isi iyi ngwaahịa;
OEM/ODM: Ngwaahịa a na-anabata ndị ahịa, mbipụta akara ndị ọbịa na nhazi ahaziri iche.

Order Ozi

Mba. Aha Nkọwapụta agba ihe    PC/pk     Nwamba. Mba

1 Wide-Mouth Bottle PP transperent 8ml 150ea/akpa,10bag/igbe BM0311001

2 Wide-Mouth Bottle PP transperent 15ml 120ea/akpa,10bag/igbe BM0311002

3 Wide-Mouth Bottle PP transparent 30ml 100ea/akpa,10bag/igbe BM0311003

4 Wide-Mouth Bottle PP transparent 60ml 100ea/akpa,10bag/igbe BM0311004

5 Wide-Mouth Bottle PP transparent 125ml 50ea/akpa,10bag/igbe BM0311005

6 Wide-Mouth Bottle PP transperent 250ml 25ea/akpa,10bag/igbe BM0311006

7 Wide-Mouth Bottle PP transparent 500ml 12ea/akpa,10bag/igbe BM0311007

8 obosara-Ọnụ PP transperent 1000ml 50ea/igbe BM0311008

9 Wide-Mouth Bottle PP White 8ml 150ea/Bag,Bag/box BM0311009

10 Wide-Mouth Bottle PP White 15ml 120ea/akpa,10bag/igbe BM0311010

11 Wide-Mouth Bottle PP White 30ml 100ea/akpa,10bag/igbe BM0311011

12 Wide-Mouth Bottle PP White 60ml 100ea/akpa,10bag/igbe BM0311012

13 Wide-Mouth Bottle PP White 125ml 50ea/akpa,10bag/igbe BM0311013

14 Wide-Mouth Bottle PP White 250ml 25ea/akpa,10bag/igbe BM0311014

15 Wide-Mouth Bottle PP White 500ml 12ea/akpa,10bag/igbe BM0311015

16 Mpekere obosara-Ọnụ PP White 1000ml 50ea/igbe BM0311016

17 Wide-Mouth Bottle PP Brown 8ml 150ea/Bag,10Bag/Box BM0311017

18 Wide-Mouth Bottle PP Brown 15ml 120ea/akpa,10bag/igbe BM0311018

19 Wide-Mouth Bottle PP Brown 30ml 100ea/akpa,10bag/igbe BM0311019

20 Wide-Mouth Bottle PP Brown 60ml 100ea/akpa,10bag/igbe BM0311020

21 Wide-Mouth Bottle PP Brown 125ml 50ea/akpa,10bag/igbe BM0311021

22 Wide-Mouth Bottle PP Brown 250ml 25ea/akpa,10bag/igbe BM0311022

23 Wide-Mouth Bottle PP Brown 500ml 12ea/akpa,10bag/igbe BM0311023

24 Wide-Mouth Bottle PP Brown 1000ml 50ea/igbe BM0311024

25 Wide-Mouth Mpempe HDPE eke agba 8ml 150ea/akpa,10bag/igbe BM0311025

26 Wide-Mouth Mpempe HDPE eke agba 15ml 120ea/akpa,10bag/igbe BM0311026

27 Wide-Mouth Mpempe HDPE eke agba 30ml 100ea/akpa,10bag/igbe BM0311027

28 Wide-Mouth Mpempe HDPE eke agba 60ml 100ea/akpa,10bag/igbe BM0311028

29 Wide-Mouth Mpempe HDPE eke agba 125ml 50ea/akpa,10bag/igbe BM0311029

30 Wide-Mouth Mpempe HDPE eke agba 250ml 25ea/akpa,10bag/igbe BM0311030

31 Wide-Mouth Mpempe HDPE eke agba 500ml 12ea/akpa,10bag/igbe BM0311031

32 Mpempe akwụkwọ HDPE dị warara 1000ml 50ea/igbe BM0311032

33 Wide-Ọnụ HDPE Brown 8ml 150ea/akpa,10bag/igbe BM0311033

34 Wide-Ọnụ HDPE Brown 15ml 120ea/akpa,10bag/igbe BM0311034

35 Wide-Ọnụ HDPE Brown 30ml 100ea/akpa,10bag/igbe BM0311035

36 Wide-Ọnụ HDPE Brown 60ml 100ea/akpa,10bag/igbe BM0311036

37 Wide-Mouth Mpempe HDPE Brown 125ml 50ea/akpa,10bag/igbe BM0311037

38 Wide-Mouth Mpempe HDPE Brown 250ml 25ea/akpa,10bag/igbe BM0311038

39 Wide-Ọnụ HDPE Brown 500ml 12ea/akpa,10bag/igbe BM0311039

40 Wide-Ọnụ HDPE Brown 1000ml 50ea/igbe BM0311040


Nhazi ahaziri onwe ya

Nkọwa ndị ọzọ ma ọ bụ ahaziri ahaziri onwe, nnabatandị ahịa ọhụrụ na ndị agadi ka ha jụọ, kparịta imekọ ihe ọnụ, chọọ mmepe nkịtị!

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